Premium Mentorship

A woman sitting at a table with her hands crossed, looking thoughtful.


Mentoring with Leni Cavazos

Leni Cavazos is available for private 1-on-1 mentoring focused on building a 6-figure retreat business and retreat center consulting. This is a 3-month, transformative journey through all aspects of creating and managing successful retreats – from business strategies and personal growth to health, healing, and purpose-driven planning.

This exclusive opportunity is limited to a select few individuals and is designed specifically for high achievers who have already reached significant success in their lives but recognize there are still barriers to overcome as they strive to step into their highest potential. This mentoring is perfect for retreat leaders who have so much more to offer and seek guidance on their journey to make a bigger, more meaningful impact through their retreats.

Who is it for?

Coaches & Experts

Who have hosted retreats and want to scale their business to 6-figures.

Who have a retreat planned but desire support with their pricing & sales strategy

Retreat Centers

Who want to increase their leads, revenue, retreat leader conversion.

Who want to improve their customer journey to reduce customer service hours and reduce their work hours.

Let´s Create The Business of Your Dreams!

What You'll Receive:

  • Weekly Mentoring Calls: Personalized sessions to address your unique challenges and goals.

  • Executive 1:1 VIP Retreat Planning Day: Intensive, half-day session focused on deep-diving into your retreat strategy and execution.

  • Accountability Check-Ins:nRegular touchpoints to keep you on track and ensure progress.

  • Exclusive Access to Online and Live Trainings: Gain entry to all of Leni’s specialized training programs and live events.

  • Comprehensive Resource Library: Access to a curated collection of templates, guides, and tools to enhance your retreat planning process.

  • Ongoing Support and Guidance: Continuous mentorship and energy sharing to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your highest potential.


The investment for this 3-month premium mentoring program is $10,000.

A woman in a blue dress sitting on a rock, enjoying the serene surroundings.




Schedule a Discovery Call

In a thirty-minute intake call you and I will talk about what´s holding you back and where you want your business to go


Get a Custom Report

I´ll send you a custom email about how we could work together to grow your retreat business. Growing Your Business is much easier if you have a plan. In step two I will show you your plan.


Enjoy a Growing Business

In only six months you will not recognize yourself or your business. You will move from chaos to efficiency and from confusion to confidence. And you will make more money

A woman with long curly hair sitting on a chair.

"Now I am living my dream lifestyle that was for so long just a floating, passionate idea

For over a decade, I envisioned leading transformative retreats for women. When I met Leni, everything aligned. Her unique approach beautifully merged the practical, creative, and spiritual aspects necessary for my mission-led business. Although my initial retreat didn’t meet sales expectations, it set the stage for a 100% attendee return rate and my next event, Silent Serenity, was a complete sell-out. Leni’s guidance was invaluable—from planning to execution, covering contracts, budgeting, and logistics. Thanks to her, I'm not only realizing but living my dream, delivering impactful healing experiences. I’m eternally grateful for Leni’s genuine mastery which turned my vision into a thriving reality."

Tiffany Marshal - Soul Rich Retreats

Serene woman in pink dress sitting on rocks by the ocean, contemplating nature.

"Leni Cavazos is fabulous. She not only brings a wealth of information and knowledge to her sessions but she has a contagiously joyful energy and has a special way of radiating that energy. Working with her has been inspiring, affirming, & extremely beneficial, both personally & for my business."

Elissa Rose Cirignotta-LoRang

Book a Discovery Call:

Create Your 6-Figure Retreat Business Guide

Your comprehensive guide to planning, launching, and optimizing your retreat business, enabling you to reach and surpass the six-figure milestone using the Epic Retreats Realization system.

Your Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.

Promotional image of 6 Figure Retreat Business Guide with the phrase "Donwload this free resource" displayed."

© 2022 by Leni Cavazos The Retreat Planner