The Retreat Planner

At The Retreat Planner, we want more people hosting deeply transformational retreats! Imagine... Oprah with her famous: "You get a car, you also get a car"... but change car for a retreat! That´s what we truly desire.

& that´s why we like to offer amazing Free Resources for those not ready to join one of our paid containers.

We invite you to explore below & choose the ones that suit you the best!

Crafting a retreat business

Promotional image of Epic Retreats Live with the phrase "Join the upcoming masterclass" displayed.

Epic Retreats


Discover The Exact System Successful Coaches, Consultants & Experts Are Using To Add High-Profit And High-Impact Retreats To Their Business And Secure At Least 6-Figure Revenue A Year

Promotional image of 100+ FB Groups to Sell Your Retreat with the phrase "Donwload this free resource" displayed.

100+ FB Groups to Sell Your Retreat

OVER 100+ GROUPS FOR Spiritual Coaches, & Healers can promote, sell-out their offers and retreats!

Promotional image of 6 Figure Retreat Business Guide with the phrase "Donwload this free resource" displayed.

6 Figure Retreat Business Guide

Your comprehensive guide to planning, launching, and optimizing your retreat business, enabling you to reach and surpass the six-figure milestone using the Epic Retreats Realization system.


How To Run Profitable Retreats

before you go...

Our Latest Courses

The Epic Retreats Inner Circle

Are you ready to take your retreat planning skills to the next level? Join our exclusive membership, the Epic Retreats Inner Circle, where the power of community, expert coaching, and unwavering accountability come together to fuel your personal and professional growth.

A group of women sitting on yoga mats with the text "Retreat Revenue Ramp-Up: 22 Proven Ways To Sell" displayed.


A woman sitting on a couch using a laptop with the text "Email Mastery for Profitable Retreats: 10 Powerhouse Templates to Fill Your Events" displayed.

Email Mastery for Profitable Retreats: 10 Powerhouse Templates to Fill Your Events


A group of people sitting on the ground with the text "Rapid Retreat Sales Page: High- Converting Page in 90 Minutes" displayed.

Rapid Retreat Sales Page: High- Converting Page in 90 Minutes


A group of people lying on the ground with the text "Retreat Success Blueprint: Booked Beyond Capacity in 5 Days" displayed.


© 2022 by Leni Cavazos The Retreat Planner